Gongyi filter industry Co.,Ltd
Products detail
Product Name: Ferrous Sulfate Heptahydrate
CAS No: 7782-63-0
Product Type: Inorganic Chemicals -> Others
Product spec: drum drying,spray drying
Packing: 25 kg woven bags,inner PP bags
Post Time: 2012-12-13
Usage: Usage1. In agricultural, applying ferrous sulfate can prevent crops from Fe deficiency which will lead to reduction of output or no fruits. Symptoms of Fe deficiency include chlorosis, yellowish green diachyma etc. 2. It also can be used as feed additive to cure ferrous deficiency which will cause animal weakness, lethargy, depression, slowed growth, rapid breathing, anorexia and susceptibility to disease, or supply daily trace element in everyday feed.3. In industry field, it can be used as a substitute for aluminum sulfate in the water treatment. It causes impurities to clump together in masses, called flocculation, or used to remove phosphates in sewage treatment.
Description: Ferrous Sulfate Heptahydrate, also called copperas, is a blue-green crystals; soluble in water, melts at 64 C. It is commercially generated as a by-product during the manufacture of Titanium Dioxide, or as a by-product of the pickling of steel.It is used as a mordant in dyeing wool, in the manufacture of ink, in water purification as a substitute for aluminum sulfate, as a fertilizer, and as a feed additive. It is used to produce magnetic ferric oxide. If you want to know more details,please click :http://www.lvyuanchem.com Call: 86-18503822158
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